Compliant Infrastructure.
Infrastructure for STO through a licensed broker partner.
Fast KYC/AML Infrastructure.
Fast Know your customer and Know your transaction procedure from reputable provider
Only eligible investors get access to your tokens
Instant Token Allocation.
Investors can instantly see tokens on their balances, even before the token sale is over. However, they are not allowed to withdraw them until the end of the token sale.
Security tokens protocol integration
We can integrate any popular security tokens protocol (e.g. ERC1441)
Legal set-up
Legal entity establishment & obtaining necessary licenses and exemptions for your company where needed
Legal entity establishment
Exemptions filing
Define security token parameters
Define whitelist requirements
Smart contract development
Incorporate security token parameters
Incorporate whitelist parameters
Solicitation and promotion of primary placement
Escrow establishment
KYC/AML and other legal checks
Token distribution to market investors
‘Golden source’ for ultimate books & records
Liable for any anomalies in issued amounts
Receive information from approved custodians
Maintain shareholder registar
Receive transaction information from exchanges
Control the processing of corporate actions suck as dividend payments
Provide information to tokenholders along with registar
Allow trading in secondary market
Provide information to registar
Provide and receive information to from administrator
Planning an STO?
Contact us and get full information about the launch of Security Token Offering.