Bitcoin New York Exchange
BTCNYEX will permit institutional traders to connect via FIX protocol, and enable Dark Pool trading to facilitate block trading by institutional investors.
Dark pools have the advantage that the market impact is significantly reduced for large pools. Since they don’t have to pay exchange fees and transactions based on the bid-ask process do not require full spread. Our dark pools will usually have lower transaction costs.
BTCNYEX will enable traders to get the liquidity of a major exchange without the associated transparency. Crypto dark pools offer traders the possibility of making important trades without the market moving against them.
Our Platform Offers
Fractional share trading. Set up trading halts and curbs based on specific criteria to prevent flash crashes. Run Proof of Solvency audit reports to prove reserves.
Maintain an affiliate system to reward traders for referrals, offer auto-trading, expert advisors, market scanning, trade alerts, trading system back-testing, social media integration, social media sentiment analysis, pattern recognition, A.I., chat room, and more.
Dark pools have the advantage that the market impact is significantly reduced for large pools. Since they don’t have to pay exchange fees and transactions based on the bid-ask process do not require full spread. Our dark pools will usually have lower transaction costs.
BTCNYEX will enable traders to get the liquidity of a major exchange without the associated transparency. Crypto dark pools offer traders the possibility of making important trades without the market moving against them.
Our Platform Offers
Fractional share trading. Set up trading halts and curbs based on specific criteria to prevent flash crashes. Run Proof of Solvency audit reports to prove reserves.
Maintain an affiliate system to reward traders for referrals, offer auto-trading, expert advisors, market scanning, trade alerts, trading system back-testing, social media integration, social media sentiment analysis, pattern recognition, A.I., chat room, and more.
General information
Private sale ●Ended
June 01, 2019
July 01, 2019
July 01, 2019
Company name:
Country of incorporation:
Other restrictions:
Verified U.S. accredited investors only
KYC stands for “Know Your Customer”. It’s the process of identity verification of the customer. Each backer is supposed to pass the KYC procedure and provide their credentials in order to participate in this STO.
The term AML (Anti-Money Laundering) refers to a variety of policies, laws and regulations aimed at combating income generation through fraud.

Token details
Domain registered 10/8/2014 - Early Adapter
Started mining Bitcoin in 2014. Ordering its first miners from Bitmain 11/2014
Started mining Bitcoin in 2014. Ordering its first miners from Bitmain 11/2014
Exchange concept was was realized early in 2015 but development was sidelined with NY Bit License hearings
Began growing its mining power in 2016
Started plans for a commercial mining operation
Opened its first commercial mining operation in Feb 2018, only to have Plattsburgh, NY ban bitcoin mining