hypd HYPD
Ambassador software that lets brands reward their fans
Hypd is the easiest ambassador software that lets brands reward their fans for having them share their passion with their friends.
The HYPD token is an ERC20 standard security token that enables its holders to participate in the issuance of dividends by the Hypd company. The token will be tradable on exchanges and is designed for a maximum of profitability as it is limited in supply and based on sustainable reinvestment strategy fostering rapid growth.
The HYPD token-holders are entitled to receive dividends resulting from the operations of the Hypd platform. 30% of these dividends will be reinvested into business development to enable exponential growth of dividends.
The HYPD token is an ERC20 standard security token that enables its holders to participate in the issuance of dividends by the Hypd company. The token will be tradable on exchanges and is designed for a maximum of profitability as it is limited in supply and based on sustainable reinvestment strategy fostering rapid growth.
The HYPD token-holders are entitled to receive dividends resulting from the operations of the Hypd platform. 30% of these dividends will be reinvested into business development to enable exponential growth of dividends.
General information
Country of incorporation:
Company address:
Token rights:
Tokens give their owner the right to implement investment interests. It may be dividends, voting rights, etc.
Token details
Token type:
February 2016
Founded as Ticketrunner.com
Founded as Ticketrunner.com
March 2017
Go Live
Platform launch with focus on festivals and events
Platform launch with focus on festivals and events
Q4 2017
100+ Customers
Footprint within the Live Entertainment industry (DE, NL)
Footprint within the Live Entertainment industry (DE, NL)
Q2 2018
Rebranding Hypd
Opening brand ambassador platform to brands
Opening brand ambassador platform to brands
Q3 2018
Expansion Mexico
Kick-off Mexico Hypd
Kick-off Mexico Hypd
September 2018
Private Token Sale
Exclusive SAFT sale
Exclusive SAFT sale
Q4 2018
Public Token Sale
HYPD Tokens will be sold in ICO
HYPD Tokens will be sold in ICO
Q1 2019
Exchange Listing
HYPD Tokens listed on major exchanges
HYPD Tokens listed on major exchanges
Q1 2019
iOS App & Partnerships
Launching an iOS application for ambassadors and announcing major integrations
Launching an iOS application for ambassadors and announcing major integrations
Q1 2019
Expansion North America
Setup of North America Office & Expansion
Setup of North America Office & Expansion
Q2 2019
1st Phase Blockchain
Transition from off- to onchain technology
Transition from off- to onchain technology
Q4 2019
2nd Phase Blockchain
Full transition from off- to onchain technology
Full transition from off- to onchain technology