The premier financial services firm for the crypto-asset community
To build the financial group of companies VRBex is raising $100,000,000 to fund the acquisition or startup of a bank in the USA, the acquisition or startup of a broker-dealer in the USA, and the associated regulatory compliant corporate structure.
The anticipated VRBex business lines include a cryptocurrency exchange, a security token trading platform, custody services, traditional banking services, and banking services for crypto-assets.
VRBex will invest in the technology, processes, and controls required to construct business platforms that offer best-in-class service to its customers, encompassing robust, legal regulatory compliance, management with substantial financial-services experience, state-of-the-art cyber security and corporate best practices.
The anticipated VRBex business lines include a cryptocurrency exchange, a security token trading platform, custody services, traditional banking services, and banking services for crypto-assets.
VRBex will invest in the technology, processes, and controls required to construct business platforms that offer best-in-class service to its customers, encompassing robust, legal regulatory compliance, management with substantial financial-services experience, state-of-the-art cyber security and corporate best practices.
General information
Issuance platform:
The platform implements the technical and legal part of the release of the STO.
Company name:
VRBex, Inc.
Country of incorporation:
Asset class:
A group of securities that exhibits similar characteristics, behaves similarly in the marketplace and is subject to the same laws and regulations. The five main asset classes are equities (stocks), fixed income (bonds), cash equivalents (money market instruments), real estate, funds.
Financial information
Minimum goal:
Minimum goal for total funds raised in an STO.
Fundraising goal:
Maximum goal for total funds raised in an STO.
Additional links
Q4 2018
Phase 1
Cryptocurrency Exchange, Digitial Wallet, Fiat to Cryptocurrency Conversion
Cryptocurrency Exchange, Digitial Wallet, Fiat to Cryptocurrency Conversion
Q1 2019
Phase 2
Exchange Trading and General Launch
Exchange Trading and General Launch
Q2 2019
Phase 3
Security Token Trading Platform and Currency Management
Security Token Trading Platform and Currency Management
Q3 2019
Phase 4
Fully Fledged USA Cryptocurrency and Security Token Financial Marketplace
Fully Fledged USA Cryptocurrency and Security Token Financial Marketplace
Q4 2019
Phase 5
International Expansion
International Expansion